成语大全网 - 成语词典 - 外贸英语翻译


1.Documents to be presented within 10 days after the date of issuance of transport documents but within the validity of the credit.


2.The number, the date of the credit and the name of our bank must be quoted on all documents required.

所有单据都需要引用 信用证号码,开证日期,开证行名称。

3.If all credit terms and conditions are not complied with or documents sent on collection basis or documents sent having discrepancies but not advised and during our scrutiny discrepancies were observed,in either case we shall deduct 0.125%(minimum USD 60/-) from the bill amount being our discrepancies handling fees as well as any other charges.

如果所提供的单据与信用证的条款有不符;单据作托收寄单;单据提示有不符点未修正至无误,无论上述那种情况,每一不符点,将扣除 信用证金额的0.125%(最低额为60USD)作为不符点处理费或其他费用。

4.Negotiation under reserve or guarantee not allowed.


5.One non-negotiable copy of Bill of Lading to be sent with original set of documents.


6.Bill of Lading set must consist of three originals.


7.Bill of lading must mention container numbers.


8.Transport documents bearing a date of issuance prior to the date of this credit are not acceptable.


9.Transport documents bearing referece by stamp or otherwise to costs additional to the freight charges, such as costs of, or disbursement incurred in connection with loading, unloading or similar operations are not acceptable.
