成语大全网 - 成语词典 - 急!!!!英文摘要翻译!!!!请高手帮忙!!!


天哪!我眼睛都要花了! 我试着翻译了一下,你看看吧! 不过我跟你说,翻译器是永远都不要用的!!!如果看见有人用,马上封杀掉!好啦,给你看!


Discussing the usage of non-woven fabric on clothing.


This essay will briefly talk about the history of non-woven fusible interlining and fusible interlining, their definition and performance, beginning from the classification of fusible interlining then focus on the analysis of non-woven fabric.


Starting off by discussing the definition, performance, classification and discussing the use of non-woven fusible interlining and its usage and impact on clothing.


Through comparative analysis of the two types of double-faced fusible interlining, the performance and usage of double-faced base cloth and fusible film.


At the same time incorporating my own designing experiences into this topic of discussion, hoping to explore more diversified designing designs and production methods (这个是工艺制作方法,不是很sure), continuously enriching the ways to how fashion design is expressed.


The innovating point of this essay is combining double-faced fusible interlining with the topic of fashion design, stating the non-woven fusible interlining in combination with practical examples and hands on experience.



After conducting a series of tests, understanding the difference between double-faced base cloth and fusible film. The main point is to explore the practical usage of double-faced base cloth and fusible film in fashion design, uncover the possible contribution to creative fashion design.