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的 溺t 估路(The NEET Group )

Nowadays(闹额dei),there is(爹儿意识) a group(额 咕噜) of(哦夫) youngsters(样史跌史) who are(唬阿) currently(克伦特里) not in(闹t 印) education(诶丢K笋), employment(印铺落门) or training.(哦 出累宁).They are labeled(dei 阿 累bou) the NEET group(的 溺t 估路). who are(唬阿) occupied(阿Q派) with nothing (Vs 那醒) all day long (喔dei龙) and support( 恩 色破) by their parents.(拜 爹儿 撇伦史).