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括号部分进行了大幅度的修改,没有主语的句子多数改为被动态,个别处把 this paper 用作主语



Open caisson foundation is a type of underground structure (sunk by the means of drop shaft) and deepfoundation. It consists of a cutting edge, (shaft wall), partition wall, (well hole), groove, (a group of discharge jets and an exploring tube), (bottom closing concrete), (and top cover). (A shaft shaped structure is firstly made into on the surface of the earth), and then (surrounded and protected by the shaft wall, the open caisson is made sinking little by little under the action of its dead weight) (by the soil’s being continuously dug out of the well) and (after it arrives at the preconcerted design elevation, the bottom can be closed and the inside structure can be built).


First of all, (in this paper, an overview of the project is introduced) and the local hydro hydrogeology is analyzed).


Secondly, (a construction scheme is worked out on the local environment and its construction technology is introduced; also it is necessary to analyze) the quality defects in construction of an open caisson and how to control the occurrence of common quality defects.


Thirdly, (the construction technology of caisson preparatory is elaborated; and how to sink and the dos and don’ts of sinking are also paid attention to in detail).


Finally, (the paper tastes the technology and the experiences of open caisson foundation in the practical application andanalyzes the economic benefit.)