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1.while air freight can be the most economical and certainly the speediest for certain categories of goods. 然而,对于某些类货物空运可能是最经济当然也是最快捷的运输方式。

2.shipping costs are an important factor in a product's price in export marketing. 运输成本是影响产品出口价的一个重要因素。

3.by far the most 迄今最、、、

4.in contrast 相比之下

5.the nature of specific 细节特征

6.fresh produce 新鲜(果蔬)产品,新鲜(农副)产品

7.handle large shipments 处理大批货物

8.overland transportation 陆路运输

9.it is evident that 显然、、、