化肥 ★★
汉英综合大词典 化肥 [huàféi]
1. 名词 [农业] chemical fertilizer; fertilizer
现代汉语规范词典 (1个结果) 化肥 [huàféi]
1. 名 化学肥料。
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汉英例句施这种化肥,可以使水稻复壮。 Fertilizer of this kind can rejuvenate rice. 施了农家肥的玉米,果然比只施普通化肥的长得好! The corn fertilized by farm manure has really grown better than that fertilized by common chemical fertilizer! 化肥 chemical fertilizer 肥皂是生活中最常用的乳化剂。 Soap is the most commonly used emulsifier. 这几天肥腻的东西吃得不少,他有点消化不良。 Having had too much rich food recently, he suffers from indigestion. 化肥 化肥 撒化肥 马背上驮着两袋化肥。 迟效化肥应施作底肥。