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帮我翻译一段话 在线等 各位高手 帮帮忙?

Elton John in March 1947 was born 25 City of London effect at an early age to study piano courses. In 1969 to an "Your Song" (Your Song) for the first time among the British and American pop top 10. 70s, he introduced a large number of excellent pop songs, and has made amazing achievements. He was 7-day album to be champions, he is infected with the charm of Europe and the former Soviet Union. From 1974 to 1975 at its peak period between his annual income reached 7,000,000 U.S. dollars as the world's highest-paid rock singer, a famous London wax museum Ms. Du Sha his wax with a number of British history, we all know so well placed legend Together.