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Inventory asset makes up an important part of enterprise current assets, it directly reflects the condition of corporate operation asset liquidition. Reasonable selection of inventory management policy provides remardable significance in both economic efficiency and long-term viability of a enterprise. Accelerate the capital turnover rate through strengthening inventory management can promote the corporate development and improve economic efficiency .


Through internship at a enterprise, investigate the the financial position of an SME internship during the last years, provide the research report based on the process and analyze the data obtained.


Concluded : Through the continuous development of social economy, inventory management become an essential activity of the enterprise business activities , which has also become an important portion of modern enterprise management, inventory management is directly related to the operational efficiency and capital management quality, efficient inventory management can reduce corporate material waste, improve corporate economic efficiency, and ensure the accounting's authenticity and integrity. Based on the actual situation of the surveyed company , propose the proper implementation method for inventory management, reduce inventory asset's average percentage in the total corporate funds, improve inventory turnover rate, in order to improve the corporate economic efficiency as the final outcome.

关键词: 存货管理 资金运作 存货周转 内部控制

Keywords : Inventory Management, Capital Operation, Inventory Turnover, Internal Control
