Classical literature?
1. 他专攻古典文学,旁及历史。
He studies classical literature, but also takes an interest in history.
2. 她很喜欢中国古典文学,诸如唐诗、宋词等都涉猎过。
She is very fond of Chinese classical literature and has spent some time reading Tang and Song poetry, etc.
3. 那是法律或者古典文学_我是说,英语或者古典文学。
It was law or classics _ I mean English or classics.
4. 中国古典文学很难懂。
Classical Chinese literature is difficult to understand.
5. 我对中国古典文学的所知有限。
My knowledge of classical Chinese literature is limited.
6. 这本书可以和古典文学媲美。
This book can sustain comparison with the classics.