成语大全网 - 成语词典 - 哈佛注释体系的注释规范


1.当作者姓名在句子中自然出现时,给出作者姓和出版年份,将出版年份放在小括号内。比如,In a recent study Harvey (1993) argued that ...。

2.当作者姓名不在句子中自然出现时,姓和出版年份都放在括号中,比如,A recent study (Harvey,1993) shows that…。

3.被引用的作者在同一年中出版了两部以上著作或发表了两篇以上的论文,用小写字母a.b.c等予以区别,放在年份后面,如,Johnson (1989a) discussed the subject…。

4.如果被引用著作有两位作者,要将两位作者的姓同时给出,如,Matthews and Jones (1992) have proposed that…。

5.如果有三位以上的作者,只给出第一位作者的姓,再用斜体写上et al.(等人),如,Wilson et al.(1993) conclude that…。

6.如果在文中直接引用其他作者,即原话照抄,并且引文不超过两行则直接插入文本中,用引号与文本隔开。英文文稿可以用单引号,也可用双引号,只要全文一致即可。还要在恰当的位置给出作者姓和出版年份以及页码。比如,Aitchison (1981),for example,points out that language is subject to change,and is not caused by “unnecessary sloppiness,laziness or ignorance” (p 16). 当直接引用的原话超过三行以上时,有的更确切地规定引文超过30个词时,[2] 引文须另起一行空格与正文分开,左边缩进,字号缩小或字体变化,不需用引号,在引文结束处将页码放入小括号内。比如,

Paine et al.(1983)added that good praise follows the “if-then” rule:

The “if-then rule” states that if the student is doing something you want

to encourage—something you want to see the student do again or do

more often in the future (and if you are sure that that is what the student

is doing)—then (and only then) you should praise the student for it(p.46). [3]