成语大全网 - 成语词典 - 得一分用英语怎么说


问题一:答对一道题就可以得到一分用英语怎么说 With each correct answer you will get the corresponding score

问题二:扣一分和英语怎么说 一分

one point;one-point


penalise one point;one-point deduction

犯规的运动员会被罚扣一分甚至取消比赛资格。A wrestler is penalised one point or even be disqualified for mitting a foul

问题三:得到一百分 用英语怎么说 get one hundred scores/points

问题四:进一球得一分翻译英语 进一球, 得一分

Get the goal, score one point.

Score one point for each goal.

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问题五:每一分每一秒用英语怎么说 every minute every second

问题六:“一分价钱一分货”用英语怎么说 一分价钱一分货

[词典] The higher (is) the price, the better (is) the quality of the merchandise.; get what one pays for; give value for value; Nothing for nothing and every little for a halfpenny.;


What's more, the High Quality High Price, and You Get What You Pay for principals reminds the manufacturers that the SPQR strategy alone is not enough.