成语大全网 - 成语词典 - 怎样制作书签英语作文 70字

怎样制作书签英语作文 70字

Petals that I was a little experience,not a dried flowers.Red roses is best,to the flower shop to buy,had better be the sort of,then the petals to feel a little soft,not crisp,best in the morning,by plucking her petals.

The simplest petals drying is spread multi-layer tissues inside and outside,put books,with a heavy pressure,until it is dry,is about three or four days.If need be,can be replaced during the process of paper towels.

Withered petals deep color,the color of choice for the paper or paperboard,posing in it,such as butterflies,the fallen petal,etc.With the paste.The paste is the Spring Festival couplets.To take photo of the store to find a teacher to give you a plastic,rough surface is better.The end.

If not satisfied,you can use a smooth surface,and then tore after cooling