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帮忙翻译 (机译免了 ,谢谢~)3


1. GIS DB construction of forest fire extinguish environment

GIS DB森林灭火系统的建立

In order to construct forest fire extinguish environment DB, 123 various thematic maps

such as stream, road, building, facility, topography, administrative, labeling are classified

based on digital 1:25,000 and 1:250,000 maps in Kyung-Pook province using ArcVeiw and


为了建立森林灭火系统DB,像河流,公路,建筑,设施,地形,行政单位,标记等123个不同的专题地图根据在Kyung-Pook 省中,用ArcVeiw 和 ArcGIS方法建立起来的1:25,000 和 1:250,000 数字地图进行了分类。

Especially, the important forest fire extinguish environment information such as a

reservoir is classified in digital 1:25,000 map then transfer its feature type to polygon to input

its attribute data.


2. Helicopters location information presentation for forest fire extinguish using GPS and GIS


This function maps GPS data such as its location and moving statues acquired from

forest fire extinguish airplane and helicopters to TM coordination. Then, it p resents the

movement of forest fire extinguish airplane and helicopters using AddEvent and Move of

TrakingLayer method of MapObjects 2.0.

这种功能地图中像方位和移动的物体等GPS数据,是从森林灭火飞机和直升飞机到TM协调中获得到的。于是,它就代表了用AddEvent和Move of

TrakingLayer method of MapObjects 2.0.表示的森林灭火飞机和直升飞机的运动。


1.GIS DB 森林灭火系统的构建。

为了构建森林灭火系统 DB,123种不同的主题的地图,例如溪流,道路,建筑,设备,地形,管理,商标根据Kyung-Pook省使用ArcVeiw 和

ArcGIS(ArcInfo)的数字 1:25,000和1:250,000.地图进行了分类。

尤其是,重要的森林灭火系统信息,比如蓄水池根据数字1:25,000 地图被分类,然后把它的特征类型转换成多边形来输入它的属性数据
