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这是一个主语从句。而It's .....that是强调句


It is important that students today master English.

It is reported that China will send up a series of spaceships in the 21st century.

It is a rule that everyone should obey the State’s laws.

It happened that they were out visiting their friends.

可以看出,此类主语从句的句子成分无论是主语、谓语、宾语,还是各种状语都是完整的,并且不能称到“It is…”结构中去。这就是判别主语从句的基本点。


先举一个重点成分句:昨天我在书店看见了他。I saw him at the bookstore yesterday.


A、It was I that/who saw him at the bookstore yesterday.

B、It was him that I saw at the bookstore yesterday.

C、It was at bookstore that I saw him yesterday.

D、It was yesterday that I saw him at the bookstore.

比较无重点叙述对象原句和由此转换来的强调句可以看出,强调句是把原句拆散,把要强调的部分如主语、宾语、状语移到“It is…”之后。如果把“It is…that”去掉,并把移走的部分放回到原位,句子还是完整的,这就是判别强调句的基本方法。再把主语从句和强调句加以对比;主语从句各成分不能移到“It is…”结构中,而强调句则可以把句子的主语、宾语、状语等成分移到“It is”结构后面,其余放在“that”后面。

如果“It is…”之后是地点状语、时间状语、介词短语或从句,“It is…that”必为强调句型。除上面所述的C、D例句外,再补充例证如下:

It was here/there that we took a picture of him last year.

It was last year he went abroad.

It was after I came here that I learned a lot.(我到此之后才学到很多东西。)

It was not until he came back that we had dinner.(直到他回来后我们才吃饭。)

另外,在强调句“It is…”中, it is后不会出现形容词、过去分词及谓语词形式,这些词用在带有主语从句的“It is…that-clause”结构中。

(3)“It is…that”结构中的that可能引出定语从句。

It is this dictionary that I am looking for everywhere.(这是我求之不得的词典啊。)


It was the most fascinating place that we’ve visited.