成语大全网 - 成语词典 - 在(英语高考必备字典)查到的例子: only if,只要的意思,引导用陈述语气的真实条件句 。例子:Only if

在(英语高考必备字典)查到的例子: only if,只要的意思,引导用陈述语气的真实条件句 。例子:Only if


Only if you have finished your homework can you go swimming. 除非你把功课做完了,否则不准去游泳.

Only if I get a job will I have enough money to go to school. 我只有找到了工作才有足够的钱上学.

Only if the red light comes on is there any danger to employees. 只要红灯一亮,就表示有危及职工的险情.

" All right -- that'll do. Only if you get married I'll be more lonesomer than ever. "

“ 那好吧 —— 以后告诉就以后告诉吧, 只是你成了家就孤独了我喽. ”

Only if you study hard, you will pass the exam. 只要你努力学习, 就会通过考试.