成语大全网 - 成语词典 - 如意用英语怎么说



Life isn’t a bed of roses. 人生并非事事称心如意。

I wish him well in his new job. 我希望他在新的工作中万事如意。

Our holiday was all that could be desired. 我们的假日称心如意。

I hope everything is going well with you. 愿你事事如意。

It’s all right for you, with a good job and a nice house you’re laughing. 你行啊, 有份好工作又有好房子——称心如意了。

She hasn’t always been lucky with her boy-friends but she seems to have struck gold this time. 她结交男朋友一直运气不佳, 而这一次似乎称心如意了。