The?beginning of wisdom?is?the definition?of terms.
据说,此语出自苏格拉底(Socrates)。也许,受到了大哲学家的启发,后人对各种术语争相定义,其中包括“抽象名词”。通过谷歌查了一下,发现以下5种“abstract noun”的定义:
An abstract is a word which names something that you cannot see, hear, touch, smell, or taste.
Abstract nouns?are words for things that can't be experienced by any of the five senses; they can't be seen, heard, smelled, tasted or touched.
An abstract noun is a noun that you cannot sense; it is the name we give to an emotion, ideal or idea. They have no physical existence; you can't see, hear, touch, smell or taste them.
An abstract noun is a noun that denotes an abstract or intangible concept, such as envy or joy.
An?abstract noun?is a type of noun that refers to something with which a person cannot physically interact.
回归主题,“抽象”还是“具体”不好区分。一般来说,抽象的就是不可名状的东西,如概念(例如democracy)之类。“民主”够抽象了吧?据说抽象到国人无法理解,但是还是有a democracy(一个民主国家);此时它已经具体化了。