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夸大妄想用英语怎么说 夸大妄想英语翻译?

夸大妄想用英语翻译为” delusion of grandeur”,还网络中常译为”delusion of grandeur”,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,***找到11个与夸大妄想相关的释义和例句。

夸大妄想翻译为 grandiose or expansive delusion 。

You’re not suffering from anything but delusions of grandeur.

megalomania maromania ( 夸大妄想狂 )

1. A major case of megalomania, huh?

2. i won’t spend a single second in a courtroom.

3. Vice, or some other obsession.

4. The patient’s not delusional.

5. And “paranoid delusional psychopath”?

6. You’re having delusions, Jobe.

7. Jessica leans toward hyperbole.

8. Are in no way exaggerated words

9. So, uh, it’s the, uh, delusions of grandeur again, right?

10. – You’re out of your mind if you think…

11. He tends to exaggerate the difficulties.

12. – Don’t lay it on too thick.
