网络上查询island在 所有语言的定义结果:在每个句子的第一句话都有该语言对island的写法。英法德的写法是一样的,读音不同而已
Die Republik Island (mhd. Is – Eis; isl. Lveldi sland) ist mit einer Fl?che von etwa 103.000 km? nach dem Vereinigten K?nigreich der zweitgrte Inselstaat Europas und die grte Vulkaninsel der Welt. Sie liegt im Nordatlantik, knapp südlich des n?rdlichen Polarkreises.
islandese it. - italiano
Island est un manhwa historico-fantastique, il évoque en effet le lourd passé de la corée, et notamment lors de l'invasion japonaise. Le tout sur le fond de la reprise des vielles légendes sur les démons, la religion shinto?ste, boudiste et chrétienne.C'est un manhwa qui s'adresse à un public averti, puisqu'il traite de sujets comme le désir, la peur , la vengence, la violence...
a land mass (smaller than a continent) that is surrounded by water
a zone or area resembling an island
An island is any piece of land smaller than a continent and larger than a rock, that is completely surrounded by water. Very small islands are called islets. Although seldom adhered to, it is also proper to call an emergent land feature on an atoll an islet, since an atoll is a type of island. A key or cay is also another name for a relatively small island. Groups of related islands are called archipelagos.
The Republic of Iceland (Icelandic: Lveldi sland) is an island nation in the northern Atlantic Ocean between Greenland, Norway, and the British Isles.
Common background elements occur in both Island and Brave New World, used for good in the former and for ill in the latter. Such elements include: Island explores many of the themes and ideas that interested Huxley in the Post World War II decades, and were the subject of many of his nonfiction books of essays, Including Brave New World Revisited, Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, The Doors of Perception, and The Perennial Philosophy. ...
a body of land surrounded by water on all sides
A body of land completely surround by water.
A free-standing work surface often placed in the center of the kitchen. With the addition of furniture legs, feet, finished panels, and a contrasting finish, the center island can become an interesting focal point anchoring the design of the kitchen.
Unincorporated territory substantially surrounded by a city, or territory surrounded by a city on one or more sides and the Pacific Ocean on the remaining side.
A pedestrian refuge within the right-of-way and traffic lanes of a highway or street; also used as loading stops for light rail or buses.
when the leaf oil glands occur within the smallest unreticulated areas (areole) of the leaf
area of dry or relatively dry land surrounded by water or low wetland (archipelago, atoll, cay, hammock, hummock, isla, isle, key, moku, rock).
A polygon lying completely within another and not sharing a common boundary (eg, an island in a lake).
The islands are where social outcasts are sent; the Falkland Islands are where Bernard Marx and Helmholtz Watson are sent.
(Heb. ‘i, “dry land,” as opposed to water) occurs in its usual signification (Isa. 42:4, 10, 12, 15, comp. Jer. 47:4), but more frequently simply denotes a maritime region or sea-coast (Isa. 20:6, RV,” coastland;” 23:2, 6; Jer. 2:10; Ezek. 27:6, 7). (See CHITTIM.) The shores of the Mediterranean are called the “islands of the sea” (Isa. 11:11), or the “isles of the Gentiles” (Gen. 10:5), and sometimes simply “isles” (Ps. 72:10); Ezek. 26:15, 18; 27:3, 35; Dan. 11:18).
In road and parking area design, one of several types of a raised planting area, usually curbed, and placed to guide traffic, separate lanes, limit paving (impervious surface), preserve existing vegetation and increase aesthetic quality.
A base cabinet and countertop unit that stands free, not touching any walls, so there is access from all four sides.
Superstructure on the starboard side of the flight deck on an aircraft carrier.
An island is a piece of land that is entirely surrounded by water. A small island is sometimes called an “isle”. A very small island is sometimes called an “islet”.
sland fue un álbum lanzado al mercado en noviembre de 1991 por la banda Current 93, grupo del ex Psychic TV David Tibet, con la producción de Hilmar ?rn Hilmarsson. El álbum está conformado por 13 canciones y cuenta con la participación de la cantante Bj?rk como vocalista de fondo para la canción “Falling”