成语大全网 - 成语词典 - 动漫台词用英语怎么说 动漫台词英语翻译?

动漫台词用英语怎么说 动漫台词英语翻译?

动漫台词通常被翻译为”fluff one’s lines”的意思,还网络中常译为”pseudo anime”,在《英语发音在线词典》中,***找到73个与动漫台词相关的译文和例句。

1. – Go, two. -…one. – Dissolve and cue.

2. Sir, your lines are too hard!

3. – i’m running out of dialogue.

4. – That’s my line. – That’s your line.

5. Well, i’d read the script, that’s what i’d do.

6. Have you seen the cartoon Rozen Maiden ?

7. it’s a wholesome monologue.

8. On the contrary, in light of its extensive audiences and its value to the enterprise marketing, it has great potential for further growth.


9. This is a line, right? No! No.

10. You wear costumes and say the words?

11. i’ve never even read a comic book.

12. it’s not a cartoon. it’s anime.

13. Come on, that’s a great line.
