成语大全网 - 成语词典 - 工资水平的英文怎么说


the wage/pay level; the wage standard 工资水平(标准)

The benefits to China of rising wage levels and productivity are clear.提高工资水平和劳动生产率对中国的益处显而易见。

Accordingly, the salary inside probation cannot under minimum wage standard. 因此,试用期内的工资不能低于最低工资标准。

With the development of the reform in economic system compensationmanagement will be part of enterprise strategies, and the pay level will be decided by both employees and employers. 随着经济体改革的推进,国有企业劳动报酬管理将成为企业战略的组成部分,工资水平由企业和劳动者协商决定,劳动报酬将货币化,差距会进一步拉开。