成语: 炙手可热
拼音: zhì shǒu kě rè
解释: 手摸上去感到热得烫人。比喻权势大,气焰盛,使人不敢接近。
出处: 唐·杜甫《丽人行》:“炙手可热势绝伦,慎莫近前丞相嗔。”
成语: 敬而远之
拼音: jìng ér yuǎn zhī
解释: 表面上表示尊敬,实际上不愿接近。也用作不愿接近某人的讽刺话。
成语: 烜赫一时
拼音: xuǎn hè yī shí
解释: 烜赫:声势很盛。在一个时期内名声威势很盛。
成语: 名噪一时
拼音: míng zào yī shí
解释: 噪:群鸣。一时名声很大。名声传扬于一个时期。
出处: 明·沈德符《万历野获编·国师阅文偶误》:“娄上王辰玉、松江董元宰入都,名噪一时。”
成语: 名震一时
拼音: míng zhèn yī shí
解释: 名声震动当时社会。
出处: 《新唐书·刘晏传》:“号神童,名震一时。”
If it's not easy to enter the model industry, then good models are also hot.
Experience is becoming the hottest commodity in the market.
As the hottest female star in China, Zhang Ziyi can choose almost any role she wants to play.
As China's hot stock market begins to , every investor around the world is now trying to extrapolate the impact.
His cheeks were red and his eyes were shining. He was full of life, which made others look like a hot fire.
At that time, jugglers were hot.
In the face of the hot Golden State Warriors, the Lakers team, easy to win the game.
Both films made good box office receipts, but did not make Bruce Willis a hot star.
He is a hot figure in front of the leader.
With the rapid development of e-commerce, the commercial value of domain name is hot, which has become the focus of many businesses and an important factor inducing domain name disputes.
He's hot now. I hope I can
him down a bit.
With the development of modern technology, the theory of mechani *** in philosophy becomes hot again.
As the hottest female star in China, Zhang Ziyi can choose almost any role she wants to play.
AIDS care is a hot topic and a developing profession.
Compared with the "hot" George Clooney, Mel Gibson's brave heart can be described as "in the cold palace".
The large-scale activities in the stadium are frequent, forming extraordinary popularity, the advertising effect is naturally significant, and all kinds of advertising media are hot.
This time it happened between the two characters who were hurt by love: the hot reporter in New York and the simple Librarian in the south.
In the next competition, you will meet a "hot" Finnish player, nemini.
Hawk forward Joe Johnson: "a lot of shots are difficult in other people's eyes, but for Kobe Bryant, it's not so, he's like a fire, hot."
I'm going to be the hottest new star on Broadway, in David's new play.
Van SK is a hot conductor in the world, and often serves as the guest conductor of the world's top orchestras.
Analysts say investors' enthusia *** for hot emerging market stocks has also ed recently, in part because they are away from risk.
With professional knowledge and fluent English, you will become a hot talent in the society!
If you are hot, you will stay hot and even more so this day!
The hottest player insists he is more focused on the current situation than the future.
Attracting marriage hunters has become a hot business in Japan, which is closely related to the increasing trend of non marriage in recent years.
He is well-known in the domestic film and television industry and the society, and has a great influence in the world. He can be called a hot celebrity.
For many former residents of Nangang, with the land price tax and house tax paid increasing year by year, that piece of land that once flooded without value has changed into a hot treasure land.
With numerous awards and blockbuster films, Wong Kar Wai has quickly become one of the hottest directors in the world.