(1)以邻为壑:beggar-thy-neighor. (意思是拿邻国当做大水坑,把本国的洪水排泄到那里去。比喻只图自己一方的利益,把困难或祸害转嫁给别人)
(2)趁人之危:take advantage of other's difficulties. ?(在别人有危难时,加害于人或做对自己有利的事)
(3)患难见真情:Adversity reveals true friendship.
(4)烈火炼真金:True gold can stand the test of fire.
(5)孰胜孰负,未战先知(孙子):Every battle is won or lost before it is fought.(by Sun Tzu)
(6)投我以木桃,报之以琼瑶(《诗经》):You throw a peach to me, I give you a white jade for friendship. (from the Book of Songs)
(7)不获全胜绝不轻言成功:No victory should be lightly announced until there is a complete win.
(8)没有能干的追随者,领导讲一事无成;没有优秀的领导者,民众也将失去目标和方向:leaders without capable followers can do nothing. followers without good leaders have no direction of purpose.
(9)山川异域,风月同天:lands apart, sky shared.
(10)风雨之后有彩虹:After the storm comes the rainbow.
(11)岂曰无衣,与子同裳(chang)。王与兴师,修我甲兵。与子偕行!(《诗经》-《秦风-无衣》):Fear not the want of armor, for mine is also yours to wear. the king is raising his forces; I will sharpen my weapons, and march along with you!?(from the Qin state, "Wuyi", in the Book of Songs)
(12)同气连枝,***盼春来:of the same breath and from joint branches, we hope together for the spring to come soon.
(13)身体力行:set a good example
(14)以强凌弱,以大欺小:the strong bully the weak,the big bully the small
(15)雪中送碳:send charcoal in the snowy weather
(16)患难见真情:a friendship in need is a friendship indeed.
(17)刻不容缓:a race against time.
(18)没有一个冬天不能逾越;没有一个春天不会到来: winter will eventually pass, and spring is sure to come.
(19)宽严相济:a balance between being strict and being loose
(21) 良莠不齐:the good and bad are intermingled
(22)亡羊补牢,为时未晚:it's never too late to turn back the tide
(23)语言可以颠倒黑白,但行动告诉你真相:language can change black and white, but action tells you the truth.
(24)道不远人,人无异国(新罗旅唐学者崔致远的诗句):great distance can not separate us, we all live in a united world.
(25)青山一道,同担风雨(王昌龄诗作):like the mountain range that stretches before you and me, let's share the same trials and hardships together.
(26)United we shall overcome.(法国雨果名言):团结定能胜利。
(27)we are waves of the same sea, leaves of the same tree, flowers of the same garden(古罗马哲学家塞涅卡名言).:身若伏波,与子同海;若为落木,与子同枝;若为兰草,与子同室。或者直译为:我们是同海之浪;同树之叶;同园之花。
(28)Unity is strength(比利时的民族格言):团结就是力量。
(29)人人为我,我为人人:all for one and one for all.
(30)mountains and valleys don't meet, but people do(德国谚语):山和山不相遇,人和人要相逢。