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成语: 美中不足 拼音: měi zhōng bù zú

解释: 大体很好,但还有不足。

出处: 明·凌濛初《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二十七:“破镜重圆,离而复合,固是好事;但王夫人所遭不幸,失身为妾,又不曾根究奸人,报仇雪恨,尚为美中不足。

成语: 白璧微瑕 拼音: bái bì wēi xiá

解释: 洁白的玉上有些小斑点。比喻很好的人或物有些小缺点,美中不足。

成语: 不足之处 拼音: bù zú zhī chù

解释: 不完善的地方。


成语: 貂不足,狗尾续 拼音: diāo bù zú,gǒu wěi xù

解释: ①指授官太滥。②指美中不足或以次充好。

出处: 《文选·任昉<为范尚书让吏部封侯第一表>》“华貂深不足之叹”唐·李善注:“赵王伦篡位,时侍中、常侍九十七人,每朝,小人满庭,貂蝉半坐,时人谣曰:‘貂不足,狗尾续。’”

成语: 金无足赤 拼音: jīn wú zú chì

解释: 足赤:成色十足的金子。比喻人也不能十全十美。

成语: 金无足赤,人无完人 拼音: jīn wú zú chì,rén wú wán rén

解释: 足赤:足金,纯金。没有纯而又纯的金子。比喻没有十全十美的事物。也比喻不能要求一个人没有一点缺点错误。



The middle row is green all the year round. The beauty is that they are very short. Some even fall down with their crowns.


The beauty is that there is a black insect eye under the apple, like a little black mole growing on the little girl's chin, which really affects the beauty.


What's missing is that she didn't dream of becoming a prefect.


But the beauty is that the road of my hometown is still dirt road, and it is dusty in sunny days and muddy in rainy days.


The beauty is that there are many spots beside the tall nose.


One day in the classroom, the teacher drew a girl's face. She had black and tidy hair, two little braids and beautiful bows. Her eyes were like a grape. The beauty was that she had no nose.


Just set foot in the society, he has a hard work, and is very interested in the sales work, so he has made full use of his mind, and his performance has been good. The beauty is that his relationship with his supervisor is always difficult to coordinate.


Although I stepped into the school of my dreams, I still felt that there was something wrong with it.


Although Baishui village has beautiful scenery, it also has shortcomings.


What's missing is that the second half of the article seems to be in a hurry, but it's still a good work for examination.


Unexpectedly, painter Shen Da suddenly got hot headed one day. He felt that such a good painting had no famous title, which seemed to be a little flawed. Then he did something that made his bowels green.


If there's a flaw in beauty, it's your two front teeth. If you don't have those two front teeth, you're not ugly.


A few years later, a gentleman came to the courtyard. His suit was gorgeous and magnificent. The beauty of it was that he had only one hand!.


The only drawback of beauty is that Yiyi's right eye can't see, even his left eye has nothing. Eyesight.


The beauty of this article is that the title of the composition deviates a little.


I like white shoes, but the beauty is that they are easy to be polluted and can't hide any defects. It's not easy to keep them clean.


Dragonfly skimming over the water always makes people feel that there is not much progress compared with the previous films.


The green grassland is full of many green trees and flowers, but the grass in several corners is beginning to wither, which makes people feel that there are some shortcomings in beauty.


But I feel that there are some shortcomings in beauty, but there is no vitality in the white one.


成语: 十全十美 拼音: shí quán shí měi

解释: 十分完美,毫无欠缺。

出处: 《周礼·天官冢宰下·医师》:“岁终,则稽其医事,以制其事,十全为上,十失一次之。”

成语: 尽善尽美 拼音: jìn shàn jìn měi

解释: 极其完善,极其美好。指完美到没有一点缺点。

出处: 《论语·八佾》:“子谓《韶》:‘尽美矣,又尽善也。’谓《武》:‘尽美矣,未尽善也。’”

成语: 完美无缺 拼音: wán měi wú quē

解释: 完善美好,没有缺点。

出处: 杨沫《谈谈林道静的形象》:“比起卢嘉川、江华、林红这些同志,她显得很脆弱,还不是一个完美无缺的英雄人物。”

成语: 天衣无缝 拼音: tiān yī wú fèng

解释: 神话传说,仙女的衣服没有衣缝。比喻事物周密完善,找不出什么毛病。

成语: 四角俱全 拼音: sì jiǎo jù quán

解释: 比喻完美无缺。

成语: 精益求精 拼音: jīng yì qiú jīng

解释: 精:完美,好;益:更加。好了还求更好。