The Lane
Ke ling
The lane, in terms of the art of urban architecture, is like a piece of prose of gentle gracefulness or a painting of classic elegance and simplicity.
1,?飘逸恬静?译为gentle gracefulness,把原文两个并列形容词转变为英语?定语+抽象名词?的形式,内容不变。这是文学翻译时常用方法。
2,?古雅冲淡的图画?意即?优雅简单的古画?译为a painting of classic elegance and simplicity
Often tucked away in a small town south of the Yangtze river, the lane, like a maiden of ancient times hidden away in a secluded boudoir, is reluctant to make its appearance in public. You?ll never have an opportunity to see it and savour its gentle poise until you have become truly attached to the small town after living there for a long time. The lane has nothing in common with the mean rural alleys, which are narrow and low-lying, muddy and bumpy, overgrown with wild weeds and lined here and there with manure vats .
1,?常在河南的小城市中?译为often tucked away in a small town south of the yangtse river,其中动词短语to tuck away作?使隐藏?、?把置放在隐蔽的地方?解,是添加成 分,原文虽无其词而有其意。
2,?有如古代的少女,躲在僻静的深闺,轻易不肯抛头露面。?译为the lane, like a maiden of ancient times hidden away in a secluded boudoir, is reluctant to make its appearance in public.这个分句又粗线了两个动词,?躲在是次要动词,译文将其处理为后置定语,将?不肯译为主要动词~
3,?它不是乡村的陋巷?意即?它和乡村的陋巷不同?,因此全句译为the lane has nothing in common with the mean rural alleys,其中成语in common的意思是?共同?。大家可以看到文学翻译中对于一些常见词的翻译都很灵活,比如这个?不是?,在不同语境中的处理是不一样的
如:?哲学不是知识?可以译为=philosophy does not pretend to be knowledge.
?哲学不是几何学?=philosophy dissimilar to geometry.
?哲学不是科学技术?=philosophy does not work the way that science and technology do
4, ?湫隘破败?意即?低洼矮小,衰落破败?译为narrow and low-lying,未交代?破败?,因它的意思已包含在句中?陋?、?坎坷?等形容词中。但如照译不误,也无不可:narrow, low-lying and in bad condition (out of repair)。
5,?泥泞坎坷?还好说~有现成的词可以用,?杂草乱生?可译为outgrown with weeds,而?两旁还排列着错落的粪缸?时,注意转为被动,译为lined here and there with manure vats .
Nor has it anything in common with linong (meaning alleys) in Shanghai, which are literally packed with dwellings and their residents. Over there, you?ll see vendors hawking their wares here and there. From time to time, women are seen emerging from inside some dingy small gates and shuffling languidly in their slippers towards a laohuzao, the shop specializing in selling boiled water, their hair disheveled like wind-blown withered grass in autumn, their eyes blood-shot, their faces betraying traces of overnight make-up. Nor has the lane anything in common with hutong (also meaning alleys) in north china, which are dusty on every side, especially when a wind rises.
要点:1,?它不是上海的里弄?译为Nor has it anything in common with linong (meaning alleys) in Shanghai.同志们~nor开头有木有似曾相识的赶脚~对!整个一段就是一个大写的?否定词+nor 结构?啊~我含辛茹苦地说了那么多期
2,?鳞次栉比的人家,拥挤得喘不过气?译为which are literally packed with dwellings and their residents.,因为?鳞次栉比?本身就是?形容房屋密集?的意思,所以用一be pack with(表挤满,塞满)处理足以~避免意思重复
3,译文中的over there,属于增译,承载着新信息到旧信息的过渡,使得新主语?小贩?的出现显得不那么突兀。下文from time to time也是为了新主语?女子?的出现起到缓冲的作用,使语篇连贯更为自然~
Stagger(蹒跚), plod(重步走), pace(踱步), loiter(闲逛), stride(大步走), strut(昂首阔步), ramble(漫步), lurk(潜伏), creep(爬行), stroll(闲逛), trudge(艰难地走), lurch(摇摆不定地走), limp(跛行), crawl(爬), rush (快步走)
4, ?头发乱似临风飞舞的秋蓬?中的?蓬?是一种草,即?蓬蒿?,秋时干枯,临风飞舞,现将此句译为?disheveled like wind-blown withered grass in autumn.而?颓然?意即?没精打采?或?慢吞吞?译为languidly sluggishly.
The lane, though cut off from the hustle and bustle of busy cities, does not taste of the countryside at all. It is long and deep, so it will take you a long while to walk patiently and quietly through it from end to end. It is also so winding that it seems to be a blind alley when you look far ahead, but if you keep walking until you take a turning, you?ll find it again lying endless and still more quiet. There is nothing but stillness there. At any hour of day, you can even distinctly hear in the dusk-like quiet your own footsteps.
1,?市廛?即?市区?,?红尘?即?繁华的社会?因此译为the hustle and bustle of busy cities,增加了译文的音韵之美~
2,?它又这么曲折,你望前面,好像已经堵塞了,可是走过去,一转弯,依然是巷陌深深,而且更加幽静。?第 一 句 主 是 是 ? 它 ( 巷 ) ?, 第 二 句主语是 ? 一个人 ?,虽然并未写出来,但是意义不言自明。译文采用 ? y o u ? 来转换主语,。译为It is also so winding that it seems to be a blind alley when you look far ahead(把?人?和?巷?联系), but if you(转换主语咯~) keep walking until you take a turning, you?ll find it again lying endless and still more quiet.
3,动词lying 使巷子具有动态的美感,lying endless ,两个词放在一起,仿佛让人看到,一条无限延伸的巷子
4,?好像已经堵塞了?意即?好像是死胡同?故译为it seems to be a blind alley
5, ?那里常是寂寂的,寂寂的?语气强调,译为There is nothing but stillness there(nothing but此处表强调哦)
On either side of the lane stand enclosing walls of medium height, which, moss-covered and hung with clusters of fresh green wisteria, look almost like screens of primitive simplicity. Inside the walls are residents? gardens with dense groves of tall bamboos as well as soft sounds of nature. In spring, beautiful peach and apricot blossoms atop the walls, like graceful girls waving their red sleeves, will sway hospitably to beckon the pedestrians. You?ll find the doors in the walls close shut without a soul in sight because they are back doors to some households. Occasionally, you may come upon a dog lying there, which, however, never gives a bark at you.
1,?不高不矮的?即?高低适中的?译为of medium height,由此童鞋们可以猜猜?高高低低的?怎么说?of different height, 这个就很有意思了
2,?不高不矮的围墙挡在两边,斑斑驳驳的苔痕,墙上挂着一串串苍翠欲滴的藤萝,简直像古朴的屏风。?意即?巷子两边是围墙,墙上布满苔痕和藤萝,(墙)像屏风?(为了帮助大家理解,原谅我用这么不诗意的语言来解释?)译为On either side of the lane stand enclosing walls of medium height, which, moss-covered and hung with clusters of fresh green wisteria, look almost like screens of primitive simplicity.主语从?巷子?到?围墙?这种视角推进式的句子并不容易翻译,需要很强的语法功底~
3,?修竹森森,天籁细细?中的?修?就是高,?森森?即?茂密?,?天籁?即?自然界的声音?这两句一并译为dense groves of tall bamboos as well as soft sounds of nature. 此时译者没有拘泥于?叠字?形式上的对译,而是着眼于大局,采用了?淡化?或?简化?的处理方法有意把?叠字?的'韵味分散或转移到相关的词语中去,以追求译文总体效果,十分得体。下文?娉娉婷婷?也采用了同样的方法来处理~
4, ?春来时还常有几枝娇艳的桃花杏花,娉娉婷婷,从墙头殷勤地摇曳红袖,向行人招手。?译为In spring, beautiful peach and apricot blossoms atop the walls, like graceful girls waving their red sleeves, will sway hospitably to beckon the pedestrians.注意此处译者对文中的状语的位置稍作了调整,使译文更加流畅~
The charm of the lane lies in its absolute serenity. No matter who you are, if you loiter around in the lane for a while, your mind will become as unruffled as the ancient well at the end of the lane. There you will experience a kind of peaceful calmness rather than gloomy sternness. There reigns peace and quiet in the midst of noisy bustle. It is a world of its own on earth. it may be a modern version of wu yi xiang, a special residential area of nobility in the jin dynasty southeast of today?s nanjing, where each family, secluded behind closed doors, has its own covered-up story of joys and sorrows, and rise and decline. When the sun is setting, swallows will fly low over wild flowers and grass on their way to their nests. The all-pervading and all-purifying atmosphere of water-like placidness makes one forget all cares and worries.
1,?踯躅?即?慢慢地走?译为loiter around, loiter之前多次见了,是文学翻译的常客
2,?阴森和肃杀?译为gloomy sternness ,这个结构跟之前见到的gentle gracefulness
3,?它闹中取静,别有天地,仍是人间?中?闹中取静?意即?它在喧闹的城市中保有一片安静之地?译为There reigns peace and quiet in the midst of noisy bustle.;?别有天地,仍是人间?出自李白的一句诗?别有天地非人间?即?另有一番境界,形容风景或艺术创作的境界引人入胜?译为a world of its own on earth
4,?乌衣巷?采取释义法译为wu yi xiang, a special residential area of nobility in the jin dynasty southeast of today?s nanjing。之前也说过很多次了,这种中国特有的词汇,一般先音译,之后加注,加括号,或者在后面加以解释~
5,?重门叠户?即?多关口屏障,易于防守?,而?讳莫如深?指把事情隐瞒得很紧,两词都有?隐藏得很深?的意思,因此译为secluded behind closed doors
6,?夕阳影里,野花闲草,燕子低飞,寻觅归家?整合为一句即?太阳下山的时候,燕子低飞在花丛草丛中,回到自己的窝?,故译为When the sun is setting, swallows will fly low over wild flowers and grass on their way to their nests。这类散句比较简单,不用费劲找逻辑,把意思整合在一起即可~
Aren?t you weighed down with cares in this life of hard toil and exhausted physically and mentally? I would like to advise you often to take a walk in the lane in your off-duty hours. That is the best way to take a rest. It will dissipate(驱散) your fatigue and relieve your nervous tension. When you are fidgety(坐立不安的) or depressed, go to the lane and wander around reciting or composing poems with your hands crossed behind your back. You will then suddenly fall into a bright mood and enjoy inner peace, forgetting both yourself and the external world.
1,?你是否觉得劳生草草?中的?劳生?意为?辛劳的生活?,译为a life of hard toil?草草?即?忧虑?,全句译为Aren?t you weighed down with cares in this life of hard toil(辛苦) ?其中to weigh down 意为?使苦恼?~
2,? 负手行吟?译为wander around reciting or composing poems with your hands crossed behind your back.
3, ?豁然开朗?(一下子变得明朗),?怡然自得?(高兴而满足),?物我两忘?(指创作时主体与客观世界浑然为一而兼忘),意思各不相同,但句式并不复杂,分开译即可~
don?t you have a sweetheart? Let me suggest that, instead of accompanying her on a visit to famous park or scenic spot, you take her with you for a stroll(散步) in the lane at dawn or dusk. Over there, you two can chat freely and with even deeper affection, free from greedy sidelong(睨视) glances or malicious squints such as you often meet with in busy streets. Suddenly, at a creaking sound, there may appear a figure by a door?usually an unsophisticated young girl. She will, at the sight of you, withdraw coyly into the house.
1,?你们俩可以随便谈谈, ?= you two can chat freely and with even deeper affection,?心贴得更近?
3,?墙门口显现出一个人影,又往往是深居简出(13)的姑娘,看见你们,会娇羞地返身回避了?译为there may appear a figure by a door?usually an unsophisticated young girl. She will, at the sight of you, withdraw coyly into the house.译者先是将?墙门口 ?作为主语, 引出新信息? 一个 人 影 ?, 继而由? 人 影 ? 再引发下面的说明?又往往是深居简出的姑娘?,译文中直接采用了同位语来衔接信息 , 使译文更为紧凑。
3,?深居简出?可译为secluded,但此处用unsophisticated,意为?不谙世事?~ 更加灵活~
The lane is a safe haven for those struggling in the turbulent sea of humans to enjoy a sense of security. It is a heavenly abode in the midst of confusion. Unlike the erstwhile plank-paved path used exclusively by the imperial family for their vehicles to move on smoothly, the lane is place for the common people to roam about leisurely.
1,?洞天幽境?中的?洞天?本指上天群仙所住之处,现按?超凡的住所?解,译为heavenly abode~(听起来真的好像游戏的场景。。。
Those who strive after fame and gain, and haggle over every penny, please go to the downtown area! Those who are sharp-tongued and quarrelsome, please go to the teahouse or restaurant! Those who love deafening gongs and drums as well as noisy wind and string instruments, please go to the opera house or theatre! Those who are given to profound meditation and a quiet life without worldly desires, welcome to the lane!
1,本段中? 请 到 去 ? 采用相同结构, 达到了语篇的连贯效果。译文中,张利用了平行结构,也就是用和原文最为相近的结构, 体现语篇的连贯
逐臭争利,锱铢必较= strive after fame and gain, and haggle over(斤斤,讨价还价)
every penny
轻嘴薄舌的,争是论非= sharp-tongued and quarrelsome