成语: 天壤之别 拼音: tiān rǎng zhī bié
解释: 壤:地。天和地,一极在上,一级在下,比喻差别极大。
出处: 《抱朴子·内篇·论仙》:“趋舍所尚,耳目之欲,其为不同,已有天壤之觉(较),冰炭之乖矣。”
成语: 天堂地狱 拼音: tiān táng dì yù
解释: 原为佛家语。指善人死后升入天堂,恶人死后堕入地狱。佛家用以劝善惩恶。后常用以比喻幸福和凄苦两种截然相反的生活境遇。
判然不同、 截然有异 判若天渊、
千差万别、 霄壤之别、 人大不同、
天渊之别、 大相径庭、 迥然不同、
天壤之别、 大是大非、 迥然相异、
截然相反、 天差地别、 迥乎不同、
拼音: jié rán bù tóng
解释: 截然:很分明地、断然分开的样子。形容两件事物毫无***同之处。
出处: 宋·陆九渊《与王顺伯》:“从其教之所由起者观之,则儒释之辨,公私义利之别,判断截然,有不可民者矣。”
成语: 半斤八两 拼音: bàn jīn bā liǎng
解释: 八两:即半斤。一个半斤,一个八两。比喻彼此一样,不相上下。
成语: 平分秋色 拼音: píng fēn qiū sè
解释: 比喻双方各得一半,不分上下。
出处: 《楚辞·九辩》:“皇天平分四时兮,窃独悲此廪秋。”宋·李朴《中秋》诗:“平分秋色一轮满,长伴云衢千里明。”
(1) A and B are two different things.
(2) After a deep sleep in the snow world, ushered in a different Silver Winter world. Snow has already slipped away, but carelessly left their own pure white!
(3) They want to live on two different continents and lead different lives.
(4) Passive learning attitude is quite different from active learning attitude, and the result is quite different!
(5) The result of the experiment is quite different from the original hypothesis.
(6) What they mean is quite different.
(7) Although the styles of these two articles are quite different, they have the same skills in expression.
(8) Death is the same as dice. Although quite different, they are just as selfless.
(9) How can they force them together because their personalities are so different?
(10) My father and I have very different personalities.
(11) The eating habits of the East and the West are quite different. In the East, people usually drink porridge for breakfast and pay attention to health preservation, while in the west, some "unbridled" breakfast is very casual.
(12) He didn't say anything. She was sharp, and they were very different.
(13) There are two different attitudes towards critici *** : one is to be happy when you hear it, the other is to be angry when you hear it.