成语: 置若罔闻 拼音: zhì ruò wǎng wén
解释: 置:放,摆;若:好象;罔:没有。放在一边,好像没有听见似的。指不予理睬。
出处: 明·朱国桢《涌幢小品·阁臣相构》:“当中书言时,沈宜厉声力折,只因心中恼他,置若罔闻。推其微意,谓便做也得。”
成语: 置之不理 拼音: zhì zhī bù lǐ
解释: 之:代词,它;理:理睬。放在一边,不理不睬。
出处: 清·黄小配《廿载繁华梦》第十六回:“各人听了,反不以为是,就有说他是嫌钱多的,又有说他是愿贫不愿富的,邓仪卿种种置之不理而已。”
成语: 熟视无睹 拼音: shú shì wú dǔ
解释: 熟视:经常看到,看惯;无睹:没有看见。看惯了就象没看见一样。也指看到某种现象,但不关心,只当没有看见。
成语: 听而不闻 拼音: tīng ér bú wén
解释: 闻:听。听了跟没听到一样。形容不关心,不在意。
出处: 《老子》第十四章:“听之不闻名曰希。”《礼记·大学》:“心不在焉,视而不见,听而不闻,食而不知其味。”
成语: 漠不关心 拼音: mò bù guān xīn
解释: 漠:冷淡。态度冷淡,毫不关心。
出处: 清·李绿园《歧路灯》第九十五回:“人家竞相传抄,什袭以藏,而子孙漠不关心。”
成语: 不以为然 拼音: bù yǐ wéi rán
解释: 然:是,对。不认为是对的。表示不同意或否定。
出处: 宋·苏轼《再乞罢详定役法状》:“右臣先曾奏论前衙一役,只当招募,不当定差,执政不以为然。”
成语: 漫不经心 拼音: màn bù jīng xīn
解释: 漫:随便;经心:在意。随随便便,不放在心上。
出处: 明·任三宅《覆耆老汪源论设塘长书》:“连年修西北二塘,责重塘长而空名应役,漫不经心,以至渐成大患,愈能捍御。”
. under the eyes of the enemy, he pretended to be innocent and infiltrated into the enemy camp.
The medical industry tries to turn a blind eye to such problems. If it can't avoid them, it can hide the past by keeping secrets and emphasizing the importance of domestic humiliation.
Those who turn a blind eye to the pain of their friends often pay close attention to their own interests.
. am I cruel? I stabbed you in the heart and pretended to ask you as if nothing happened. Are you sad? I don't hate you.
Whenever people ask about my eyesight, I always pretend to say, "it's OK.".
People have made a lot of reports and published many books on the issue of UFOs. It seems impossible to turn a blind eye to it.
. the teacher criticized him, but he looked left and right as if nothing had happened, which was really angry.
. the game is about to start. Everyone else is flustered. He is the only one who has nothing to do with it.
. belong to me, will always remember. What does not belong to me, I can only learn as if nothing happened.
. if nothing happens, it turns out to be the best revenge. Why to prove something to the unworthy, to live a better life, is for oneself.
How can we do nothing about today's increasingly serious environmental pollution?
It's almost time for the exam. He still looks as if nothing happened. His parents are really worried about him.
Earlier this month, Bob Dougherty, a Dutch man, sued home depot, an American building materials and home furnishing retailer, saying he was fooled when he went to the bathroom in the Louisville chain store and his body was stuck on the toilet seat, while the sale *** en there turned a deaf ear to his cry for help.
It's been a riot at home. He sat at the door reading a novel as if nothing had happened.
An independent panel said astronauts were still allowed to sail after drinking alcohol and that warnings from NASA doctors were ignored.
. if nothing happened: we were all nervously reviewing for the exam, but he read comic books as if nothing happened.
But when the death knell means that the world we belong to will be reduced by a part, who can turn a cold shoulder to it?
However, they also turn a deaf ear to the call of this just, flesh and blood kinship.