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搔头弄姿 拿腔做势、 无病 *** 、 气壮如牛、

虚情假意、 道貌岸然、 假屎臭文、

搔首弄姿、 妆模作样、 做张做势、

装模作样、 装疯卖傻、 装聋作哑、

虚张声势、 矫揉造作、 装模做样、



成语: 惺惺作态 拼音: xīng xīng zuò tài

解释: 惺惺:虚伪的样子。故意做出一种姿态。形容虚伪不老实。

成语: 装模作样 拼音: zhuāng mú zuò yàng

解释: 样:模样、姿态。指故意做作,故做姿态。

出处: 宋·史浩《荆钗记传奇》:“装模作样,恼吾气满胸膛。”

成语: 无病 *** 拼音: wú bìng shēn yīn

解释: *** :病痛时的低哼。没病瞎哼哼。比喻没有值得忧伤的事情而叹息感慨。也比喻文艺作品没有真实感情,装腔作势。

成语: 道貌岸然 拼音: dào mào àn rán

解释: 道貌:正经严肃的容貌;岸然:高傲的样子。指神态严肃,一本正经的样子。

出处: 清·蒲松龄《聊斋志异·成仙》:“又八九年,成忽自至,黄巾氅服,岸然道貌。”

成语: 正襟危坐 拼音: zhèng jīn wēi zuò

解释: 襟:衣襟;危坐:端正地坐着。整一整衣服,端正地坐着。形容严肃或拘谨的样子。

出处: 《史记·日者列传》:“宋忠、贾谊瞿然而悟,猎缨正襟危坐。”

成语: 装模做样 拼音: zhuāng mú zuò yàng

解释: 模、样:模样、姿态。指故意做作,故做姿态。

出处: 宋·史浩《荆钗记传奇》:“装模作样,恼吾气满胸膛。


成语: 装腔作势 拼音: zhuāng qiāng zuò shì

解释: 拿腔拿调,故意做作想引人注意或吓唬人。

出处: 《西湖佳话·西泠韵迹》:“娘娘不消着急,他这两三日请我不去,故这等装腔作势。”罗广斌 杨益言《红岩》第十三章“余新江望着眼前这个横蛮无理,惯于装腔作势的敌人,气愤地握紧了拳头。”



Heart tells us that Cao Cao can't pretend to lie in the face of his civilian and military generals, which is not in line with his own character or the situation at that time.


Life also needs to be earthy. We should always keep our simple quality. We should not pretend to be arrogant or arrogant.


These few sentences, coming out of the loudspeaker, vividly show the female traitor's power and affectation.


If the euphemi *** in other aspects is taboo, in order to avoid taboo and elegant words, then political euphemi *** is to mystify, pretend, or even distort the truth, in order to achieve the purpose of confusing and deceiving the listener.


He's just putting on airs. In fact, he has no real ability. Don't be fooled!


Don't put on airs. Everyone knows the truth.

作文最忌讳的是华而不实,无病 *** ,装腔作势。

The most taboo in composition is to be flashy, moaning and pretending.


Men are different from men. Zhuoyuan is just a cleaner. What does it look like at ordinary times. Some people see beautiful women's legs are soft. Even if the world's men are dead, I will not like that kind of work dress and show the same feisty man.


Playing catch-up means putting on airs and putting on airs.


When you talk, you always say it to others. You just say it in a big way. You don't need to say it to anyone intentionally or pretend to be incoherent because someone is present.


If you don't pay attention again, you will become a little fool with affectation.


Life also needs to be earthy. We should always keep our simple quality. We should not pretend to be arrogant or arrogant.


His affectation was disgusting.


This kind of affectation, works without real feelings, is not worth reading at all.


People who pretend and show off too much always show their true shape.


Some professors are always putting on airs, either biting words or dancing words.


He always puts on airs when he speaks, which is not natural.


I hate my father's indescribable *** ile and look down on my mother. I don't think she can do anything but pretend.


He had only a slight fall, but he pretended and cried like he had broken his leg.


But it's important not to just see Kidman put on airs and ignore the real reason for his divorce.


I used to see some paintings and calligraphies left by my ancestors in my friend's place. They are all amusing to each other in the *** all circle of literati and painters, which are not comparable to those who pretend to be.


Most people die in their twenties and thirties, because after this age, they are only their own shadow, and the rest of their lives are spent in imitating themselves, day by day, more mechanically, more pretentiously repeating what they did, thought, thought, loved and hated in their lifetime.


He always puts on airs when he speaks, which makes people feel uncomfortable.


The more natural, the better. Don't put on airs, put on airs, and use a different tone than usual.


Christmas Eve, the most warm and peaceful festival in all festivals, does not need to pose with roses, does not need extravagance and extravagance... Any gift is not as good as wishing you a safe and affordable, pro, SMS on Christmas Eve, receiving is the "safety symbol", wishing you and your family a safe and auspicious life.

作文最忌讳的是华而不实,无病 *** ,装腔作势。

The most taboo in composition is to be flashy, moaning and pretending.


I don't like it, either. He's always putting on airs, either speaking or writing.


To learn, one should be down-to-earth. One should not pretend or brag at will.


Playing catch-up means putting on airs and putting on airs.


The woman has always been calm and elegant, but they said: women are too elegant, a little out of line with reality, a little pretentious.


It's disgusting that he always puts on airs in front of strange friends.


He is a person who has no real ability and practical learning. He always likes to put on airs, which is unacceptable.


His affectation was disgusting.


We should persuade people with indisputable reasons instead of pretending to frighten people.


If one pretends to deceive others, he will show his horse's feet in the end.


I don't think her son is great. He's arrogant and pretentious. He looks like a young master.


This does not mean that teachers should set up their faces and act in front of students, but that they should start from internal skill training, from knowledge connotation to moral cultivation, and constantly learn and progress.


He is a person who has no real ability and practical learning. He always likes to put on airs, which is unacceptable.


He likes to put on airs and act as a leader.