成语大全网 - 成语接龙 - 形容贪生怕死的成语句子,四字词语



贪生畏死、 怕死贪生、

欣生恶死、 贪图享受、

爱生恶死、 临阵脱逃


成语: 贪生畏死 拼音: tān shēng wèi sǐ

解释: 贪:舍不得。贪恋生存,畏惧死亡。指对敌作战畏缩不前。

关于成语(贪生怕死)的成语解释和意思 拼音: tān shēng pà sǐ

解释: 贪:舍不得。贪恋生存,畏惧死亡。指对敌作战畏缩不前。

出处: 《汉书·文三王传》:“


成语: 视死如归 拼音: shì sǐ rú guī

解释: 把死看得象回家一样平常。形容不怕牺牲生命。

成语: 舍生取义 拼音: shě shēng qǔ yì

解释: 舍:舍弃;生:生命;取:求取;义:正义。舍弃生命以正义。指为正义而牺牲生命。


1 那个叛徒贪生怕死,厚颜 *** 的嘴脸,令人厌恶。

The traitor's brazen face was disgusting.

2 贪生怕死,不是大丈夫;杀身成仁,才是奇男子。

He who is greedy for life and afraid of death is not a great hu *** and; he who kills himself is a wonderful man.

3 在敌人的威胁利诱面前,贪生怕死的叛徒出卖了组织和同志。

In front of the threat and inducement of the enemy, the greedy traitor betrayed the organization and comrades.

4 战场上有贪生怕死的胆小鬼,也有舍生忘死的英雄汉。

On the battlefield, there are cowards who are greedy for life and fear death, and heroes who are willing to die.

5 人们最看不起正义战争战场上的贪生怕死的逃兵。

People most despise the deserters who are greedy for life and afraid of death on the battlefield of just war.

6 看到不法之徒的犯罪行为,不敢出来斗争,这是贪生怕死的表现。

Seeing the criminal acts of the lawbreakers, I dare not come out to fight, which is a manifestation of greed for life and fear of death.

7 战争让贪生怕死的胆小鬼走开。

The war made the coward go away.

8 面对强敌的威胁,我们决不做贪生怕死之徒。

In the face of the threat of a strong enemy, we will never be greedy for life and fear of death.