成语: 煽风点火 拼音: shān fēng diǎn huǒ
解释: 比喻煽动别人闹事。
出处: 沙汀《青棡坡》:“倒不是怕有人煽风点火。”
成语: 推波助澜 拼音: tuī bō zhù lán
解释: 澜: *** 浪。比喻从旁鼓动、助长事物(多指坏的事物)的声势和发展,扩大影响。
出处: 隋·王通《文中子·问易篇》:“真君建德之事,足推波助澜,纵风止燎尔。”
成语: 诱秦诓楚 拼音: yòu qín kuāng chǔ
解释: 战国时张仪劝导秦国以连衡破合从,以诡诈手段欺骗楚国背齐向秦。后遂因以之表示挑拨离间。
成语: 火上浇油 拼音: huǒ shàng jiāo yóu
解释: 往火上倒油。比喻使人更加愤怒或使情况更加严重。
出处: 元·关汉卿《金线池》第二折:“我见了他扑邓邓火上浇油。”
成语: 挑拨离间 拼音: tiǎo bō lí jiàn
解释: 搬弄是非,使别人不团结。
出处: 清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第39回:“这个姓胡名福,最爱挑拨离间。”
成语: 挑三豁四 拼音: tiǎo sān huō sì
解释: 指挑拨是非。
出处: 清·西周生《醒世姻缘传》第57回:“我们这个搅家不良,挑三豁四,丈二长的舌头,谁家着的他罢?”
成语: 调唇弄舌 拼音: tiáo chún nòng shé
解释: ①耍嘴皮子,纵谈。②搬弄是非。亦作“调唇弄舌”。
出处: 《醒世恒言·李汧公穷邸遇侠客》:“况在私衙中,料中外人来往,恣意调唇弄舌。”
成语: 片口张舌 拼音: piàn kǒu zhāng shé
解释: 形容卖弄口舌,搬弄是非。 同“骗口张舌”。
出处: 元·无名氏《渔樵记》第三折:“没空生有,说谎吊皮,片口张舌,■(口刍)出来的。”
成语: 说长道短 拼音: shuō cháng dào duǎn
解释: 议论别人的好坏是非。
出处: 汉·崔瑗《座佑铭》:“无道人之短,无说己之长。”
成语: 里挑外撅 拼音: lǐ tiǎo wài juē
解释: 阳奉阴违,搬弄是非。
举例造句: 这种里挑外撅的人绝不可***事。
What annoys me is that you are such a troublemaker, which makes the whole village restless.
You can't stir up any more discord and confusion. Our class is already in a mess.
When it comes to the mischief, Mrs. white never misses the chance.
. don't use your precious energy to sow discord.
These false licenses can be used by the instigators to impersonate a secure website.
All they have to do is to sow discord and fish in troubled waters
He's a discord, I'll tell you. He spread rumors among people and then sat in the back watching others quarrel.
He has always been careful in his work, never being a liar or a discord.
. tell this feigned discord to take care of his business.
The despicable act of fiddling with affairs and mischief soon aroused public indignation in the community.
I think you are trying to make a difference between Dr. ATU and me.
He shouldn't sow discord among his comrades.
We should strictly prevent the bad people from instigating discord and profiting from it.
It's a kind of rhetoric. It refers to mulberry and locust. It's black and white. It refers to deer as horse. It's better to move flowers and trees as much as possible. It's also better to pick up the differences and wear chisels. Then it's better to blow its hair and ask for its faults. It's sacrificed by cutting two sides and three knives. But it's not allowed to bring down the language.
He pretends to be a good man, says bad things behind his back, stirs up discord and makes rumors.
The old lady did nothing to do anything, and she made love for her.
He likes to sow discord among his clas *** ates.
反动派卑鄙 *** ,惯会兴风作浪,挑拨离间。
The reactionaries are despicable and used to making waves and stirring up discord.
He was cursed for stirring up discord among his friends
This is what we both said. When we heard it, it became a discord. It originated from sentence making work
He stirs up discord among us and influences our unity.
It is said that some people are playing a mischievous game among them
He was cursed for making a quarrel among his enemies.
. what? Will the black entourage sow discord?
It is obvious that Sun Quan would not have killed Guan Yu ruthlessly if zhugejin hadn't provoked him back and forth. He didn't know the weight of Guan Yu.
. with his three inch tongue, he was able to sow discord everywhere, making the whole department disunion.
After listening to his words, I said, "I don't believe what you said. You are trying to make a difference between me and her."
在群众中挑拨离间,拨弄是非,真是卑鄙 *** 。
It's shameless to sow discord among the masses and to stir up right and wrong.