形容大智若愚的成语 成语: 大巧若拙 拼音: dà qiǎo ruò zhuō
解释: 拙:笨。指真正聪明的人,不显露自己,从表面看,好像笨拙。
出处: 《老子》第四十五章:“大直若屈,大巧若拙,大辨若讷。”
成语: 虚怀若谷 拼音: xū huái ruò gǔ
解释: 虚:谦虚;谷:山谷。胸怀象山谷一样深广。形容十分谦虚,能容纳别人的意见。
出处: 《老子》:“敦兮其若朴,旷兮其若谷。”
成语: 不露锋芒 拼音: bù lù fēng máng
解释: 锋芒:比喻锐气或才干。不显露出锐气或才干。多指有意地将自己的才能、抱负等加以掩饰。
出处: 宋·吕祖谦《吕东莱文集·杂说》第20卷:“语有力而不露锋芒者,善言也。”
大勇若怯 、大成若缺、大盈若冲、
大巧若拙、 虚怀若谷、 不露锋芒、
大直若屈、 大辩若讷、 大赢若绌、
深藏若谷 、大音希声、 大象无形、
关于成语(大智若愚)的成语解释和意思 拼音: dà zhì ruò yú
解释: 某些才智出众的人,看来好像愚笨,不露锋芒。
出处: 宋·苏轼《贺欧阳少师致仕启》:“大勇若怯,大智如愚。”
成语: 锋芒毕露 拼音: fēng máng bì lù
解释: 毕露:完全显露。锐气和才华全都显露出来。多指人好表现自己。
成语: 盛气凌人 拼音: shèng qì líng rén
解释: 盛气:骄横的气焰;凌:欺凌。以骄横的气势压人。形容傲慢自大,气势逼人。
出处: 宋·朱熹《朱子全书·学五·教人》:“不得盛气凌人,自取耻辱。”
1. *** 这事,如果干的好,就叫大智若愚.木讷这事,如果干的好,叫深沉。
1. If you do it well, you are stupid. If you do it well, you are profound.
2. The sea is a virtuous man. He is wise as a fool and has great ambition. He is profound and broad and returns to silence and tranquility. Therefore, beside it, we often get enlightenment and Enlightenment from the speechless teaching.
3. Pretend to be stupid. If you do it well, it's foolish to be wise.
4. He is not sociable and wise as a fool. He is a hundred times better than those who boast.
5. He seems to be very ordinary, very ordinary, but in fact, he is as wise as a fool.
6. Haven't you heard that great wisdom is like foolishness?
7. However, some people are foolish.
8. He is cynical and often criticized, but there are many people who appreciate him as wise as a fool.
9. In my opinion, Lao Wang is wise as if he were stupid. He is confused about irrelevant matters. He has a clear understanding of his own affairs.
10. Lao Li is a man of great wisdom and deep concealment. We should consult him more.