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狗胆包天monstrous audacity 狗急跳墙a cornered beast will do something desperate 狗仗人势be a bully with the backing of a powerful person 狗血喷头let loose a stream of abuse against sb. 痛打落水狗relentlessly beat the dog in the water; flog the cur that's fallen into the water; be merciless with bad people even if they're down 狗嘴吐不出象牙nothing nice comes from a filthy mouth 狗尾续貂a wretched sequel to a fine work, incongruous. 放狗屁nonsense! 狼心狗肺be brutal and cold-blooded 狗头军师inept adviser 狗咬狗dogfight 狗崽子son of a bitch 找的好辛苦哦,希望对你有帮助