成语: 通宵达旦 拼音: tōng xiāo dá dàn
解释: 通宵:通夜,整夜;达:到;旦:天亮。整整一夜,从天黑到天亮。
出处: 《北齐书·文宣纪》卷四:“或躬自鼓舞,歌讴不息,从旦通宵,以夜继昼。”
成语: 废寝忘食 拼音: fèi qǐn wàng shí
解释: 废:停止。顾不得睡觉,忘记了吃饭。形容专心努力。
成语: 焚膏继晷 拼音: fén gāo jì guǐ
解释: 膏:油脂,指灯烛;继:继续,接替;晷:日光。点上油灯,接续日光。形容勤奋地工作或读书。
出处: 唐·韩愈《进学解》:“焚膏油以继晷,恒兀兀以穷年。”
At the beginning, he didn't do well, but later, he worked hard day and night, and didn't dare to neglect for a moment, so soon he showed his strength and gradually improved his performance.
The hu *** and worked day and night to make a living, but he neglected his wife.
The construction of office buildings and five-star hotels is going on day and night.
They go out early and come back late, day and night, working hard for the success of others.
In the month of college entrance examination, my brother will review his lessons day and night.
I work day and night for money.
In order to complete the construction, the workers worked day and night, forgetting to eat and sleep. They always persevered and did not flinch when encountering any problems.
The Red Army made a long journey day and night, braved hardship and supported each other and finally reached northern Shaanxi.
. when he started reading, he was always hungry and thirsty. He made great progress day and night and over the years.
In order to finish the bridge project ahead of time, they worked day and night on the construction site.
Our department manager always works day and night.
They go out early and come back late, day and night, working hard for the success of others.
In order to rescue the people trapped in the ruins, rescuers are digging earth and stone day and night.
In order to produce more cars and present to the national day, the workers work day and night.
In order to finish his dissertation as soon as possible, he has to work day and night.
In order to finish the research project as soon as possible, father works day and night.