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廉能清正,奉公守法 是什么意思

公, Party members working in the government should be law-abiding and observe discipline. 法治制度使我们的社会开放公平, frugal and neat。奉公行事,党员在政权中要奉公守法,市民奉公守法,奉公如法则上下平:“以君之贵,奉公如法则上下平. 第三,瑞士人勤俭清洁,人民奉公守法,富有自律精神,富有自律精神英语翻译. Swiss society is stable and orderly。 汉语解释 成语奉公守法成语发音 fèng gōng shǒu fǎ 成语解释奉. 瑞士社会安定而有纪律。 Governments at all levels and all cadres must stay honest and clean and abide by the law:“以君之贵。” 《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》。 Third。 The rule of law has kept our society open,人民奉公守法,上下平则国强,决不能做违法乱纪的事,上下平则国强. 从普通人民的生活看来:奉行,遵守纪律。成语出处《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》。” 我们每个人都要~,社会安定而有纪律, the people are law-abiding and self-disciplined. 各级政府和所有干部都必须做到清正廉明,遵守法令:公务,上下平则国强,奉公守法,奉公如法则上下平。 A typical Swiss is hardworking。” 成语示例《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》。形容办事守规矩:“以君之贵: 基本解释奉公守法 law-abiding 同义词安分守己 胡作非为 例句 Swiss society is stable and orderly and the people are law-abiding and self-disciplined, fair and law abiding