成语: 临危不惧 拼音: lín wēi bù jù
解释: 临:遇到;危:危险;惧:怕。遇到危难的时候,一点也不怕。
出处: 《邓析子·无厚》:“死生有命,贫富有时。怨夭折者,不知命也;怨贫贱者,不知时也。故临难不惧。”
成语: 谈笑自若 拼音: tán xiào zì ruò
解释: 自若:跟平常一样。指能平静地对待所发生的情况,说说笑笑,不改常态。
成语: 神色自若 拼音: shén sè zì ruò
解释: 自若:如常,象原来的样子。神情脸色毫无异样。形容态度镇静。
出处: 南朝宋·刘义庆《世说新语·任诞》:“文王曰:‘嗣宗毁顿如此,君不能***忧之,何谓?且有疾而饮酒食肉,固丧礼也。’籍饮啖不辍,神色自若。”
成语: 从容不迫 拼音: cóng róng bù pò
解释: 从容:不慌不忙,很镇静;不迫:不急促。不慌不忙,沉着镇定。
出处: 《旧唐书·刘世龙传》“而思礼以为得计,从容自若,尝与相忤者,必引令枉诛。”
成语: 泰然居之 拼音: tài rán jū zhī
解释: 泰然:毫不在意很放心的样子。形容处理事情不慌不忙、沉着镇定或对待事情毫不在意。
成语: 面不改色 拼音: miàn bù gǎi sè
解释: 脸色不变。形容从容镇静的样子。
出处: 元·秦简夫《赵礼让肥》第二折:“我这虎头寨上,但凡拿住的人呵,见了俺,丧胆亡魂,今朝拿住这厮,面不改色。”
成语: 处之泰然 拼音: chǔ zhī tài rán
解释: 处:处理,对待;泰然:安然,不以为意的样子。若无其事的样子。形容自理事情沉着镇定。也指对待问题毫不在意。
成语: 举止自若 拼音: jǔ zhǐ zì ruò
解释: 自若:象原来的样子。举动不失常态。形容临事镇定,举动不失常态。
成语: 言笑自如 拼音: yán xiào zì rú
解释: 谈笑如常,十分镇定。
出处: 清·方苞《通议大夫江南布政使陈介墓志铭》:“群夷纵火,牛街镇去城三十馀里,火光烛天。公言笑自如,日夜为守战计,贼不敢逼。”
成语: 不慌不忙 拼音: bù huāng bù máng
解释: 不慌张,不忙乱。形容态度镇定,或办事稳重、踏实。
出处: 元·高文秀《襄阳会》第三折:“轮起刀来望我脖子砍,不慌不忙缩了头。”
举例造句: 公路在山上盘旋,车子不慌不忙地打着圈子。 巴金《旅途杂记·成渝路上》
. he talked to me about his private affairs in a leisurely way.
She hurried on to the road again, forcing herself to move forward in a leisurely way.
. unhurried and unhurried, Qin night suddenly felt that he had entered into the state of extreme vision.
. however, hongyangzi is not in a hurry. He is not in a hurry all the way. He travels around the mountains and rivers.
. the street is very warm. The tram ran unhurriedly, and the bell rang politely with dates. It was not impatient at all, just like saying: "excuse me. Well, borrow it.
Xiaohua always does things in an orderly manner.
. when the teacher asked him a question, he answered unhurriedly.
There are still a large number of customers. People look like they are not in a hurry.
See him at this time leisurely pack up the tools scattered on the ground, and light a cigarette, squint the scar eyes, *** ile and say: Once upon a time - you don't want to find out which generation.
Table tennis players hit back at their opponents unhurriedly
John fixed his model plane in no hurry
This idiom is straight and easy to talk about. It is a metaphor for speaking in a calm and unhurried manner.
. fan Yupeng is *** iling and not in a hurry. The two sides are not in direct proportion at all. One is a tiger backed man, the other is like a young man
Mr. Li named Wang Gang to answer. Wang Gang said unhurriedly, "this idiom is salivating.".
Four sailors climbed the hill and ran unhurriedly to the hut
. he told me some interesting stories about his childhood.
. he took a book and walked into the classroom unhurriedly.
When I went to the hospital for physical examination, the doctor took my report and said, "fortunately, you came early..." When I was in a cold sweat, the doctor said calmly: "later, I will be off work
. it walks slowly and carefully. Before landing, it always lifts the soles of its feet up, then closes the palms, just like folding up the open fan; then it puts the soles of its feet on the ground in a short position.
. the car circled leisurely on the mountain road.
He didn't hurry up and bowed to the two men to show his gratitude.
. fortunately, they have a solid foundation. Although they are faced with life and death, they are still not in a hurry. Instead, they have the courage to put life and death out of the way. They are all full of Qingcheng boxing.
Gongliangxun's majestic voice echoed in the hall. After hearing this, Licheng took a step forward unhurriedly and said to gongliangxun, "the students are here!".
Luo Haoyu said calmly.
. as soon as he went out, a cold light came from up and down like him. I saw that he was not in a hurry. As soon as his right hand was shaking, the razor whale appeared in his hand. As soon as he lifted it up, it blocked the cold light.
. Zhuge Liang always avoids danger when he is not in a hurry. He can always get out of danger and make the next minister admire him.
Unhurried, the old fellow took the 13 teeth hook from the basket and then planed out the yam that we had just cooked.
Today, I was talking with my deskmate in class. When I heard a roar, I saw the teacher coming to me in a hurry. Well, he was doomed.