成语大全网 - 成语接龙 - 形容五光十色的成语句子,四字词语



成语: 五颜六色 五的成语、色的成语接龙 拼音: wǔ yán liù sè

解释: 形容色彩复杂或花样繁多。引伸为各色各样。

出处: 清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第十四回:“惟各人所登之云,五颜六色,其形不一。”

成语: 五彩缤纷 五的成语、纷的成语接龙 拼音: wǔ cǎi bīn fēn

解释: 五彩:各种颜色;缤纷:繁多交错的样子。指颜色繁多,非常好看。

出处: 清·吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》:“铺设得五彩缤纷,当中摆了姊姊画的那一堂寿屏,两旁点着五六对青烛。”


万紫千红、 五彩斑斓、

斑驳陆离、 五花八门、

五颜六色、 色彩斑斓、


关于成语(五光十色)的成语解释和意思 拼音: wǔ guāng shí sè

解释: 形容色彩鲜艳,花样繁多。

出处: 南朝梁·江淹《丽色赋》:“五光徘徊,十色陆离。”

和成语(五光十色)意思相反的四字词语 黯淡无光、



(1) 商场里陈列着五光十色的商品。

(1) There are various kinds of goods on display in the mall.

(2) 展览的宝石五光十色,令人眼花缭乱。

(2) The jewels in the exhibition are dazzling.

(3) 这个五光十色的城市,每天都在吞噬着小小的梦想。

(3) This colorful city is swallowing *** all dreams every day.

(4) 海底的世界在海水的反射下五光十色。

(4) The world on the bottom of the sea is colorful under the reflection of the sea.

(5) 海滩上的贝壳五光十色,美丽极了!

(5) The seashells on the beach are colorful and beautiful!

(6) 大厅里摆放着的工艺品五光十色,令人目眩。

(6) The artworks displayed in the hall are dazzling.

(7) 初进都市,五光十色的世界使我们眼花缭乱。

(7) When we first entered the city, we were dazzled by the colorful world.

(8) 那些长尾巴、五光十色的鹦鹉真是可爱极了五光十色造句)。

(8) Those long tailed, colorful parrots are so cute and colorful.

(9) 晚上,街道上的霓虹灯全亮起来,五光十色,煞是好看。

(9) In the evening, all the neon lights on the street are bright and colorful, which is very beautiful.

(10) 看到五光十色的花朵还有人山人海的小朋友我乐开了花。

(10) Seeing the colorful flowers and the crowds of children, I am happy to open the flowers.

(11) 垫圈世界,是个五光十色的世界。

(11) Gasket world is a colorful world.

(12) 在这样一个五光十色、花天酒地的地方,他硬是顶住了各种诱惑,保持了一个革命战士的优秀品质。

(12) In such a colorful and colorful place, he resisted all kinds of temptations and maintained the excellent quality of a revolutionary fighter.

(13) 街道让彩灯点缀的五光十色闪耀缤纷。

(13) The streets are full of colorful lights.

(14) 有的人一到城里,狠快沉迷于五光十色中,乐不思蜀,早忘故乡事了。

(14) As soon as some people arrive in the city, they are addicted to all kinds of things. They forget their hometown for a long time.

(15) 灯光下,奇装异服五光十色,游人熙熙攘攘,穿行其间。

(15) Under the light, the costumes are colorful, and tourists are bustling through them.

(16) 那些书皮五光十色的侠怪小说,渐渐变得无人问津。

(16) The colorful novels of chivalry and monsters have gradually become unpopular.