成语大全网 - 成语接龙 - 守株待兔的英语故事


Once upon a time, there was a farmer who sat under a tree and foolishly waited for a rabbit to come along and get caught in a trap.?

This story is known as "The Farmer Who Waited for a Rabbit" or "The Foolish Farmer," and it teaches a valuable lesson about the dangers of laziness and the importance of hard work.

The farmer in this story spent all his time sitting under a tree and waiting for a rabbit to come along and get caught in a trap that he had set. He didn't bother planting crops, tending his fields, or doing any other work, convinced that he could easily make a living by just waiting and trapping rabbits.?

The farmer grew more and more desperate, and soon he realized that he had been foolish to rely on luck rather than hard work. In the end, he learned an important lesson: success only comes to those who are willing to put in the effort.