成语大全网 - 成语解释 - 求318国道的英语介绍,就按照318国道中百度百科里的中文介绍原文翻译即可。。谢谢


China National Highway 318 (G318) runs from Shanghai to Zhangmu on the China-Nepal border. It is 5,476 kilometres in length and runs west from Shanghai towards Zhejiang, Anhui, Hubei, Chongqing, Sichuan, and ends in Tibet. One notable section of this[citation needed] road is the Si Du River Bridge, the bridge with the greatest vertical clearance in the world as of its 2009 completion. From Lhasa to Zhangmu it is also called Friendship Highway. The 115 km. continuation to Kathmandu is named Arniko Rajmarg.