成语大全网 - 成语解释 - 求高手翻译一段英语(不要电子词典的翻译的)


Translation is to show the meaning of a language converted into another language. In short, translation is a kind of language in different characters of the source text mean accurate reappear art. From the above translation definition we know, the original ideas must be maintained as far as possible, do not have original work. The duty of the translator just convert text rather than change its meaning. Therefore, there are two elements translation: accuracy and expressive. Accuracy is the first condition of translation. The translator must be careful to follow the original author's meaning, chooses words and sentence structures must convey the meaning of the original faithfully. Sex is to let the expression easier to understand. In other words, the translator must use his means the original thoughts as far as possible to clear and powerful expression. To translate thoughts accuracy accurate, and expressive, to the vivid has charm.