Water is very important to the human beings.But now many rivers and lakes are polluted. And what shall we do ? We can do like these tngs: First we must prevent the factory from pouring waste water into the river Second we should stop people from throwing litter into the river.Many kinds of litter may pollute the environment. Finally we can tell the visitors how important the water is. After doing these tngs,I tnk water will become cleaner sooner or later.Act now, and save water.水是对人类非常重要.但是现在许多河流和湖泊受到污染。而我们该怎么办?我们可以这样做:首先,我们必须防止工厂将污水倒入河流。其次,我们应该阻止人们把垃圾扔进河流.各种垃圾会污染环境。喔 顺便提一下 目前我在学的ABC天丅英语中心的助教和我提到 就是要掌握好英语是不难的;坚持需要个适宜的研习环境跟进修口语对象,外教水平很重要,发音纯正很重要,坚持每天口语学习,1&1个性化学习就有最.好.的进步幅度。学习后还要重复复习课堂录音档 好巩固知识点~若真的是无口语交谈的人的状况下 那么就去可可或沪江获取课外学习资料学习 多说多问一下子语境就提升起来,整体效果是绝对达成目标的..最后,我们可以告诉参观者,水是祝你学习愉快~