Classification standard of forest engineering construction
林业工程 建设分类标准
Glossary and quantitating standard of forest engineering
林业工程 名词术语及计量标准
On model of ecological forestry project in baiquan county
谈拜泉县生态 林业工程 建设模式
The drawing standard for forest engineering
林业工程 制图标准
This paper introduces the status of the forest engineering consultation in china , points out the major problems about the forest engineering consultation authorities , the jobholders of forest engineering consultation and so on , and puts forwards some suggestions to deal with the problems
摘要简要介绍了我国 林业工程 发展现状,对当前我国林业工程咨询机构、从业人员素质、咨询成果质量等方面存在问题进行了阐述和分析,并针对林业工程咨询工作特点及发展现状提出了通过规范林业工程咨询业从业行为,加强从业人员能力建设等建议。
As the one of six forestry projects , the conversion of cropland to forest is one of important contents during the development of the western region , and it refer to chang the unresonablel manner of land using , reduce water loss and soil erosion , improve the ecological environment , and achieve sustainable developing
退耕还林(草)工程是我国六大 林业工程 之一,也是我国西部大开发的重要内容,是改变不合理的土地利用方式、减少水土流失、改善生态环境、实现可持续发展的根本举措。