成语大全网 - 成语解释 - 求英语达人帮忙翻译一段简介





Together with the influence of NBA, the influence that was reinforced by the first pick of 2002 NBA Draft, Yao Ming, the development of Chinese Basketball Association(CBA)and its full professionalisation have boosted basketball a booming business(不要看到市场就是market).In this context, journalism related to basketball has seen its propsrity. Publications in this respect have been popular: as many as more than ten periodicals being “Stuff Inside NBA”, SLAM”, ”Dime”,” Basketball Club”,” Basketball” and so forth and three main newspapers(这里指种类,报纸就可数了) being “Basketball Pioneers”” Basketball News China”and ”51 MVP’.

Compared with basketball perodicals’ professional and high-end style,(所谓“化”是汉语中最难翻译的一种表现之一) the style of basketball newspaper is amateur and unexpensive, (前后逻辑关系)thus resulting in more issues and larger popularity.Hereby, through the analyses and comparison of three newspaper, the essay aims to confirm its strong points and beneficial experience on the one hand and attempts to position its drawbacks in its development on the other hand, trying to offerconducive point-of-views and suggestions to basketball newspaper, the newly-born genre in the history in China’s media industry.