熬夜做某事 Stay up late to do sth.
中学 middle school;
吃惊 amazed;
对某人大声喊叫(无感情色彩) shout to sb
把我叫醒 wake me up
去划船 go boating
在湖边宿营 camp by the lake
打羽毛球 play badminton
学习准备测试 study for a test.
害怕做某事 be afraid to do sth
度过一个愉快的周末 spend an happy\enjoyable weekend
第几 这个我不知道
在游泳池里 in the swimming pool
一个记忆犹新的周末 a memorable weekend
乘长途公***汽车 by coach
生火 make a fire;
让我们暖和 keep us warm
所在月光下 in themoonlight
第二天早上 the next morning
让他们知道危险 Let them know the danger
看到一条蛇在睡觉 see a snake is sleeping
向父母大叫求助 Cry for help from parents (不确定)
一本关于历史 的书 A book about history
跑开 Run away
令人吃惊的是 to one' surprise
对某人大声叫嚷(有感情色彩) Shout at sb
开始上下跳 Began to jump up and down
放风筝 fly a kite;
去露营 go camping
去沙滩 Go to the beach
呆在家 stay at home
当导游 work as a guide;
害怕某物 Be afraid of sth
老鼠一家 The mice's family
又一,再一 again and again
生活习惯 Living habits
两周前 two weeks ago
在印度 in India
搭帐篷 pitch a tent;
如此......以至于...... so that
在第一个晚上 On the first night
互相 each other
向......外面看 look outside
移近 move closer to
一次有用的教训 a useful lesson
睡着 fall asleep.