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Our country is bound to experience all sorts of obstacles and challenges while enjoying the benefits brought about by globalisation.This, therefore, confers paramount realistic importance onto research that breaks open the frameworks used for closed economies and that brings about in-depth analysis based on open economies.

This paper consists of five parts. The first part summarises the free exchange of capital,recalling and outlining the research conducted by academics both at home and abroad on free exchange of capital. The second part introduces the progress made so far in the realm of capital flows in our country, the current capital exchange system and capital flow. The third part analyses both the positive and negative influences of the exchange system of Renminbi as a realistic analysis of capital exchange. The fourth part proposes policy suggestions that could furthre liberalise our country's Capital and Financial Account, including perfecting the currency tools of the Central Bank, improving the position of microeconomics, enhancing the Renmibi exchange system,promoting cental planning, and enhancing the ability to detect and correct risks.
