成语大全网 - 成语解释 - 狭颅症用英语怎么说 狭颅症的英语翻译?

狭颅症用英语怎么说 狭颅症的英语翻译?

狭颅症的英语为”primordial cranium”,其次还可以说成”stenion”,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,***找到63个与狭颅症相关的翻译和例句。

1. Calyx pyriform or turbinate, base attenuate; fruit base narrow or long attenuate.


2. Combined fracture of calvarium and base of skull

3. Wa – ka – sa! Wa – ka – sa!

4. Sorry, i can’t leave Wakasa dying.

5. it’s called Trans-Cranial Magnetic Stimulation, or TMS.

6. it’s called Trans-Cranial Magnetic Stimulation, or TMS.

7. Results Most of intracranial chondroma were located at the position of junctura cartilaginea of basicranial skeleton.

8. Might book passage across the Narrow Sea.

9. The King’s Head, The Hole in the Wall…

10. The cranial vault is unlike anything.

11. This study was to explore MRi performances and features of schwannomas from cranial nerves in posterior cranial fossae.

12. Occipital screws also associated with the potential for intracranial complications.

13. Don’t put a hand on my Wakasa.

14. Objective to discuss MRi features of intracranial otogenic complications of otitis media and improve its diagnostic accuracy.

