pay a visit; call to pay respects; call on; be on a visit; a call; go
[call] to see; drop in; look sb. up; see; drop [look] in on sb.; come
拜访亲友visit [call on] relatives and friends;专诚拜访
make a special trip to call on sb.;礼节性拜访
courtesy call;私人拜访
personal visit; personal call
拜访 ?[bài fǎng] ?
(1) [visit]∶敬词,看望并谈话天刚交黑时去拜访了几位朋友(2) [call on]∶短时间看望(赵秀才)一早去拜访那历来也不相能的钱洋鬼子。--《阿Q正传》双语例句
全部 ?pay a visit ?call on ?
1改日再来府上拜访。 ?
I'll pay a visit to your home some other day. ? ?
我需要同意这个计划的每个人通过手机,发送电子邮件,在tweet上发帖,拜访,并提醒你在华盛顿的代表。 ?
I need everyone who agrees with this plan to get on the phone, send an email, tweet, pay a visit, and remind your representatives in Washington who they work for. ? ?
这是社交性的拜访,还是业务性的? ?
Is this a social visit, or is it business ?
我最近无缘去拜访他。 ?
I've had no occasion to visit him recently. ? ?
我去拜访时,他不在家。 ?
He was out when I called to see him. ? ?