成语大全网 - 成语解释 - 物是人非用英语怎么说?


问题一:物是人非用英语怎么表达 things do not change,we changed.

(完整的是:things do not change,we changed.

sell your clothes,and keep your thoughts)

问题二:物是人非用英语怎么说? The thing isn't a person.


问题三:请问:“物是人非”用英语如何表达 20分 Still this thing, but not this man.

问题四:感慨物是人非,英文怎么说? how time flies.

things change a lot.


问题五:“物是人非,事过境迁”用英语怎么说 “物是人非,事过境迁”

People have changed, changed


People have changed, changed

问题六:风花雪月,物是人非 用英文翻译出来是什么 风花雪月:wind flower snow and moon.物是人非:the things are still here but men are no more the same ones.来自有道词典,欢迎采纳。

问题七:物事人非用英文怎么说 物是人非

[词典] The things are still there, but men are no more the same ones.;


Nowadays, different, your birthday is ing, but I have the qualifications blessings to you?

问题八:物是人非事事休译成英文 物是人非事事休译成英文


the things were here,the person had gone away.

问题九:物是人非用英语怎么说? The thing isn't a person.


问题十:请问:“物是人非”用英语如何表达 20分 Still this thing, but not this man.