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求手工翻译 急~~~!!

As we have seen, differential operations on sampled images require the image to be first smoothed by filtering. The filtering operation introduces an arbitrary parameter- the scale of the filter, e.g., the standard deviation for the Gau&sian filter.

正如我们所看到的,对取样图像进行的微分运算首先需要用滤波将它变平滑。 滤波操作引入了一个随机参数-滤波的范围,比如高斯过滤器的标准偏差。

In computer vision, the advantages of using several scales of filtering was? realized quite early on, and this was supported by evidence suggesting the presence of filters of several sizes in the human visual system [33], [34], [43]. More recently, Witkin [55] introduced a scale-space description of zero crossings which gives the position of the zero crossing across a continuum of scales, i. e., sizes of the Gaussian filter (parametrized by the a of the Gaussian).


The signal-or the result of applying to the signal a linear (differential) operator-is convolved with a Gaussian filter over a continuum of sizes of the filter. Zero or level crossings of the filtered signal are contours on the x-a plane and surfaces in the x, y, a space. Witkin proposed that this concise map can be effectively used to obtain a rich and qualitative description of the signal.

信号,或者用来作为线性(微分)的操作数的信号的结果是:这个信号会和高斯滤波对一个连续的过滤器的尺寸混在一起。零或水平的过滤信号的相交处在x,y,a 空间会 x-a轮廓面和表面会形成一条轮廓线条。Witkin提出,这种简洁的地图可以有效的获得丰富和量化的信号描述。

Yuille and Poggio [56], [57]-who called the maps of zero-crossings across scales fingerprints-have established interesting relationships between multiresolution analysis, the Gaussian filter and zero-crossings of filtered signals. Their main results are two theorems: 1) Zero and level crossings of an image filtered through a Gaussian filter have nice scaling properties, i.e., a simple behavior of zero crossings across scales. Zero crossings are not created as the scale increases. The Gaussian filter is the only filter that has this nice scaling behavior (see also [6]).


2) The map of the zero crossings across scales determines the filtered signal uniquely for almost all signals in the absence of noise. The scale map obtained by Gaussian filters is thus a complete representation of the image. This result applies. to level crossings of any arbitrary linear differential operator of the Gaussian (modulus the null space of the differential operator and provided there are at least two zero-crossing contours), since it applies to functions that obey the diffusion equation.
