成语大全网 - 成语解释 - 热门话题的英文,热门话题的翻译,怎么用英语翻译热门


hit subject

hot issue; hot topic

recent popular topic (char limiter features)

the talk of the town

热门in great demand; hot; major ...... 详细翻译>>

话题subject of conversation... 详细翻译>>

成为城中热门话题become the talk of the town... 详细翻译>>

热门话题新闻英语hot topics... 详细翻译>>

成为当今一个热门话题为了提高同学们的green awareness... 详细翻译>>

热门in great [good] demand; hot; major topic of discussion; major topic of debate; ...... 详细翻译>>

话题subject of a talk; topic of conversation 转话题 change the subject... 详细翻译>>

厦门话amoy... 详细翻译>>

大热门tohit... 详细翻译>>

赶热门follow a craze... 详细翻译>>

隔热门insulated door... 详细翻译>>

克热门kremen... 详细翻译>>

热门股blue chip; craze shares... 详细翻译>>

热门货a hot number; goods in great demand; goods which sell well; hot item; popular ......?