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Dear: we do model to find the original file structure has a problem, we have modified the 3 document.

随后Randy 会重新释放文件给到你。

Then Randy will return to release documents to you.

32571 减短了粘边的长度,由原来的116.25mm更改为:115.5mm.这样可以避免卡片粘合的时候无法折线。

32571 cut short the length of the adhesive side, from 116.25 mm change to: 115.5 mm. This can help prevent the adhesion of the card when not line.

32551 我们重新移动了压线,这样可以避免卡片折成型后,压线露白。

32551 us to move forward, so that we can avoid card fold line pressing forming, the thief.

35344 文件我们更新了烫金图案

35344 file we updated hot stamping design

Dear: we do model to find the original file structure has a problem, we have modified the 3 document.

Then Randy will return to release documents to you.

32571 cut short the length of the adhesive side, from 116.25 mm change to: 115.5 mm. This can help prevent the adhesion of the card when not line.

32551 us to move forward, so that we can avoid card fold line pressing forming, the thief.

35344 file we updated hot stamping design

以上为机器翻译 结果,仅供参考
